Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word

Office Word 2007 is the latest available version of the text processor available on the market for a dozen years or so, also a flagship Microsoft Office component. It enables document preparation based on a gallery of templates, font libraries, styles, ClipArt images and SmartArt diagrams ? in large quantity on the Office Online website, integrating with Word. Moreover, the application includes reviewing and serial correspondence tools the most notable are integration tools between Word and other applications and Office servers and Windows, that it network group work tool. The 2007 version has a completely reimagined interface, making it more user-friendly, the live-preview function has been added allowing previewing without clicking changes made on toolbars and a SmartArt tool for schematics and diagrams construction.

  • LicenseTrial version
  • ProducerMicrosoft
  • LanguageEnglish
  • OSWinXP/Vista/7
  • Size0 B
  • Downloads1913
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