ABBY PDF Transformer

ABBY PDF Transformer

An English two-way PDF converter known from the FineReader developer, the ABBYY company. It makes changing PDF to RTF and DOC (MS Word) XLS (MS Excel), HTML documents or text files possible. PDF Transformer does exceptionally well not only with Adobe Acrobat but also other application-created (e.g. QPrinter) PDF files. The conversion maintains formatting elements: tables, columns, bulleted text and graphics. The program installs as an extension

(plug-in) of the MS Office 2000, XP (2002) or 2003 suites, integrates with the system file explorer and also works as a separate creator.

The new version has an improved PDF conversion precision and a few useful additional functions. One of them is generating PDF files from any Office suite application. Now one may not only re-shape earlier created PDF files, but also save them as PDF again after completion. Another novelty is the ?printing? into PDF function from any application available in the Windows system. The PDF files may contain active hyperlinks and secured with an encrypted password. The set of novelties includes a new, more friendly interface.

  • LicenseTrial version
  • ProducerABBYY
  • LanguageEnglish
  • OSWin2000/NT/XP/7
  • Size259.2 MB
  • Downloads1537
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ABBY PDF Transformer

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